Retirement  Planning

Calculate how much you need to save for a comfortable retirement, in 4 easy steps!

  • Welcome
  • F​uture expense
  • Retirement corpus
  • achieve the goal
  • Your Result

Tell us something about yourself

Let’s check how much you will spend after retirement

Future value of your current monthly expense:
0,00,000 per month

Let's calculate the retirement corpus.

You have to make sure to have a minimum retirement corpus of
to meet your postretirement regular expenses based on your input.

Let's calculate the amount you need to invest in order to accumulate your desired retirement corpus

Your result

Dear Prashant,

Happy and comfortable retirement life is one of the most important financial goals that every individual should plan. Objective of retirement planning is to accumulate wealth during the working-age in order to have sufficient corpus at the time of retirement, so that one can enjoy happy and comfortable post retirement life. Based on your inputs and assumptions, you have 18 years to retire from work. You will invest 0 as lump sum and 19015 per month regularly in the first year and increasing by_____% at the beginning of every year to accumulate a retirement corpus of 1,83,21,943, which could provide you a cash-flow of 84,498 per month immediately after your retirement and increasing year after year to take care of inflation throughout your life.

  • Present Age: 25
  • Age of Retirement: 55
  • Monthly Wthdrawal Post Retirement: 66270
  • Retirement Corpus Required: 1,80,70,224
  • Lump sum Amount to Be Invested Today: 1,00,000
  • Amount To Invest Per Month: 7116